
vichIt is a strange territory, that of Vich, very long and very narrow. It measures only 800 m in its widest width at the height of the village where it occupies both banks of the Serine. This river crosses the territory from north to south over 4200 m and used to drive many water wheels. She joined the Promenthouse which, in “en Clarens”, provided water and energy to a large paper mill, then animated the Martinet forge: two hamlets of the town.

The church of Vich was given in 1165 to the convent of Bonmont by the nobles of Begnins. The convent of Payerne, which had properties in Vich, contested the possession of this church, but the bishop of Geneva recognized the rights of Bonmont.

Suisse pure 2005

Le jury de Suisse Tourisme s'est prononcé le 15 avril 2005

Prix d'encouragement 2004

Société Suisse pour la protection des biens culturels