The Promenthouse fortified line

Dam position of the Promenthousepromenth

The line of the now famous Promenthouse thanks to the "toblerones trail" is also part of the so-called border fortifications. It is even the most westerly line of the whole device which, in an arc, develops along the Rhine to Sargans.

The detailed reconnaissance undertaken in 1936 led to the first reinforcements in 1937; engineering units are beating rails to reinforce the banks of the watercourse, which already offers some form of resistance to mechanized and armored forces. In October 1939 the first contracts for the construction of the forts were signed with the contractors of civil engineering. During mobilization periods, the line is constantly reinforced and improved by the Border Brigade Engineering Officers.

Today, 17 forts and a score of barricades and anti-tank obstacles are still in possession of the Confederation. Among the most remarkable elements we must mention the camouflage of the Villa Rose and Villa Verte and the many caponiers established along the route of the anti-tank blocks.

Suisse pure 2005

Le jury de Suisse Tourisme s'est prononcé le 15 avril 2005

Prix d'encouragement 2004

Société Suisse pour la protection des biens culturels