
m-vacheecosseThe fauna is at first much more difficult than the flora for an obvious reason, its mobility. An inattentive walker or captivated by the water games of the brook or the charms of the vegetation can very well cross the Trail of the Toblerones from end to end without seeing the least creature. And yet, the site is much richer than a zoo! This is because the observation of animals requires attention, silence, lookout, listening (birds).

 It is better to be alone and the company of a dog is hardly favorable. Nevertheless, some animals are accessible to the observation by a class of children or a group of walkers provided to use certain techniques of observation which will be exposed as the review of various zoological groups ...

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Reserves and areas of fauna according to the map office of the canton of Vaud -> follow this link

Suisse pure 2005

Le jury de Suisse Tourisme s'est prononcé le 15 avril 2005

Prix d'encouragement 2004

Société Suisse pour la protection des biens culturels