Toblerones educational trail

The Sentier des Toblerones was designed and created by members of the Promenthouse Fortified Line Association. The realization of the project was made possible thanks to the funding of the Association, donors, municipalities and the the army through the engagement on the ground of recruit schools and rehearsal courses.

Valorization of natural and cultural heritage


The Toblerone Trail owes its name to a line of fortifications built during the mobilization of 1939-45. "Toblerones" is the name the population has given to anti-tank dams whose elements are reminiscent of a brand of Swiss chocolate.


The fortified line which includes, in addition to the anti-tank dams, forts and secondary works, extends about ten kilometers, from the foot of the Jura to Lake Geneva. It follows the ravines of three streams: Ruisseau de la Combe, Serine and Promenthouse. She was called "Promenthouse Line". The hiker who follows the trail, built along this line with the collaboration of various schools of recruits, will be able to appreciate the extent of the work done during the last war and to understand the strategic imperatives which led to the distribution of the works in field.

Bassins01This historical and military aspect alone justifies the visit, but there are others. Indeed, the Promenthouse Line runs along a succession of natural sites full of attractions. For those who review the topographic map of the region, the surprise is important. Indeed, the municipalities that adjoin the course have experienced considerable development in recent decades: sprawling residential and industrial areas, density of the road network. In fact, and despite this neighborhood, the streams have kept their natural course and are bordered almost everywhere by a wooded cord. Thus is preserved a natural environment of great interest: meandering rivers with their deposits of alluvium, dead arms, undergrowth flora of the first spring, shading of large hardwoods, not to mention the many curiosities that nature offers for those who can open their eyes, for example the vegetal colonization of toblerones concrete.

Suisse pure 2005

Le jury de Suisse Tourisme s'est prononcé le 15 avril 2005

Prix d'encouragement 2004

Société Suisse pour la protection des biens culturels